Category Archives: Life after divorce

Mindset after Divorce

Today Leigh Daniel speaks with Simona Ksoll, Mindset Mentor and Business Strategist.

Simona helps women with the next chapter of their lives and to be able to follow their calling.  She says first you must process your emotions and grieve.   Then you can start looking at who you are and begin to put the pieces back together again.

She teaches women how to ask, “What do I want to do?  What excites me?”  You have to be happy first on the inside in order to help your family and others.

Through neuroscience, Simona is able to help us look at how we have been programmed to look at the yeah buts when we start thinking of change.  She asks you to explore what you would need to believe in order to make your dreams come true.  This helps you to become a bigger version of yourself.

As you begin to reprogram your mind to be aligned with what you say you want, fear comes up.  Fear dissipates as you step into what you know you need to do.  When fear does come up, ask what is true about this fear.  Factually there is now evidence for the fear because nothing you are fearful of has happened yet.

We are comfortable with the familiar, even if we know it isn’t working for us.  Ultimately everything happens for you.  There is always a gift if you are willing to look for it.

Connect with Simona at